How to Ace your Application to Join our Carer Community

So, you have taken the first step towards joining the seakr carer community and made contact with us.
What happens next?

Too often, Agencies will fire a standard set of questions at you like:

  • Where do you live?
  • Do you drive?
  • How much experience do you have?

Our approach is different.

We always aim to have open, two-way conversations with you. From the beginning, we aim to set the tone for a long and fruitful relationship between us.

If we have done our job well, a bond should soon form between us. We feel that receiving an application from a genuine carer is a privilege. That’s why we take a keen interest in you and the least we can do is be clear and open up about ourselves too.

Our 3 Top Tips for a Successful Carer Application

Tip 1

Be Yourself

Ever met someone and wondered if you were seeing the real them? It’s often tempting to put your best face on when being asked about yourself, but this can come at a cost.

At seakr carer, we match your personality to your ideal client. For example, they may be searching for a talkative carer. If you are quiet when chatting to us, even though you are actually quite chatty when you are comfortable with someone you know, we may get the wrong idea.

It’s a much better idea to be yourself and share everything about you, warts and all. That way, you have the very best chance of being connected with a client that you will enjoy being with.

Tip 2

Be Honest

Ever heard the phrase “honesty is always the best policy?” Well, never has this been more true. Many of us have things in our past that we might regret, or for some reason, prefer to hide in the hope that it won’t come to light. It usually does.

Volunteer any facts that you feel might be relevant. That way, even though you might feel uncomfortable in letting us know, we will do our best to be open and gracious in receiving it. Plus, it will build even more trust between us which can only be a good thing, right?

Tip 3

Be Open

By now, we imagine you are already sensing that something different is happening here. This does not feel like a typical Care Agency. That’s because we’re an Introduction Agency with a difference.

Our process for bringing you into our community may feel a little unfamiliar but we’re sure you will find it refreshing. If you are joining us from a Care Agency that employed you, we will be offering you a few different ways to find work. You will and be paid what you richly deserve, for the hard work that you do. Whether currently employed and self-employed, all carers are welcome to apply and we hope to welcome you to our community.

Be open to exploring all options with us and remember, whatever questions you have, there is always help on hand through the seakr carer app. If you would like a little more information on how we operate, check out the “The Difference Between and Care Agency and an Introduction Agency” blog.

The seakr Community

In joining the seakr carer community, you will be able to connect directly with the other almost 500 trusted carers on our app.

We know caring can be both lonely and fulfilling so this is where you can ask each other work and non-work-related questions. It is a place to share your ideas with others like you, people that understand you. You can also find new clients and there are ways to save money too.